Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Observation 3

This past week I was able to capture many different organisms on camera. Many of these freshwater protozoa. Along with these organisms I also noticed how much more bacteria and cyanobacteria had popped up. Most of the plants in the microaquarium had turned brown. The food plot was also diminished. Here are some pictures that I was able to capture:

Displaying Vorticella sp. Morgan Adcock.jpeg 

This is a picture of a Vorticella. This organism is supported by the stalk like structure that is attached to it. This keeps it in place and pulls the organism out of harms way when predators are near. (Patterson 1992. Pg. 113)

Displaying Centropyxis sp. Morgan Adcock.jpeg

 This is a centropyxis, a species of amoeba. It stays mostly stationary with very little movement. (Patterson 1992. Pg. 95 Fig. 184)

Displaying Chaetonotus sp. 2 Morgan Adcock.jpeg 

This is a shot of a Chaetonotus, which is a type of gastrotricha. It moves around very quickly and is very hard to get an image of this. This particular one seemed to be slowed down looking for food. 
(Pennak 1989 Pg. 165)

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